June 14, 2014

My Favorite Artist

My father is the one to blame for my obsession with classic country. Ever since I can remember, he would pick around on a guitar and sing songs. He can bounce back and forth from George Jones, John Prine, and end with Johnny Cash, sounding like they all three were in the same room doing a songwriters round. No joke. I respect that. My father has taught me a lot about songwriting. He still does. I cherish that. He’s also patient with me with learning lyrics during our kitchen sessions.

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A realization hit me this particular Father’s Day weekend. I’m not sure if I’ve ever truly grasped it until now. My dad was the first person to inspire me to chase my own art. Half the time I didn’t it know when he was too. But, its more real and true today than it has ever been to me. His creative personality and energy flows through my blood. I’m so thankful for that. He’s my favorite artist, Hands down. To say that I’m proud to share the same name with my father is an understatement. He’s my hero. He’s a legend. I’m honored.

Armon Jay Cheek

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Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. Lovely sentiment, and amazing paintings. Wow 🙂


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